AFC's MSF systems are designed specifically for the intended size and manufacturers type antenna. With the Multi-Sat feed extension, existing AFC MSF users can upgrade their feed to receive high quality 2 degree signals. The MSF feed extensions are free of any spurious effects and preserve polarization purity and antenna pattern.
Installation of a new MSF system requires the replacement of the spars and brackets of the feed support hardware. The feed extension upgrade comes furnished with all necessary gaskets and hardware to make for a durable, weather-tight installation. The MSF system provides isolation between beams better than 20 dB with a loss of only about 0.25 dB at 2 degrees and 0.75 dB at 4 degrees. Cross- polar discrimination is typically better than 18 dB.
MSF Gain Vs. Scan Angle, gif 14k
9 Meter 4 Satellite MSF System, jpg 21k
5 Meter 3 Satellite MSF System, jpg 39k
MSF System Description
MSF-16/x Ring, bridge and strut hardware---5M Class. x is the antenna type with focal length under 75 inches. Example MSF-16/SA4.5, MSF-16/AFC5, MSF-16/Andrew 4.5. MSF-23/x Ring, bridge and strut hardware---7M Class. x is the antenna type with focal length between 75 and 85 inches. Example MSF-23/AFC7, MSF-23/Harris 6.1, MSF-23/Anixter 5. MSF-25/x Ring, bridge and strut hardware---7/8M Class. x is the antenna type with focal length between 85 and 95 inches. Example MSF-25/Andrew 7. MSF-29/x Ring, bridge and strut hardware---9M Class. x is the antenna type with focal length between 95 and 128 inches. Example MSF-29/Andrew 9, MSF-29/Harris 9. MSF-EXT Multi-Sat feed extension. One required per satellite. Each MSF-EXT requires one MSF-OMT to separate the dual polarized vertical and horizontal transponders. MSF-OMT Dual pol orthomode coupler. MSF-COV LNA/LNB weather cover kit. MSF-CAS Cassegrain hole cover plate
AFC manufactures, markets and sells worldwide satellite dish antennas, conical horn antennas, radomes, antenna feeds, microwave and waveguide components, ultra low loss waveguide transmission line TallGuide®, and custom shelters. Our customers serve the broadcast, communications, radar, weather and cable industry, defense, government, and government agencies worldwide.
For more multi-satellite technical information on the theory, application, installation and test results, see Multi-satellite feed system for 2-degree satellite spacing reprinted from the April 1992 CED Magazine. For multi-satellite information on your specific antenna system, contact your AFC sales representative at A complete Internet WWW AFC document index may be found in Antennas for Communications (AFC) Home Page Document Summary List.
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